Syntax tree - transitional mode

This chapter presents the Camlp5 syntax tree when Camlp5 is installed in transitional mode.

  1. Introduction
  2. Location
  3. Antiquotations
  4. Nodes and Quotations


This syntax tree is defined in the module "MLast" provided by Camlp5. Each node corresponds to a syntactic entity of the corresponding type.

For example, the syntax tree of the statement "if" can be written:

  MLast.ExIfe loc e1 e2 e3

where "loc" is the location in the source, and "e1", "e2" and "e3" are respectively the expression after the "if", the one after the "then" and the one after the "else".

If a program needs to manipulate syntax trees, it can use the nodes defined in the module "MLast". The programmer must know how the concrete syntax is transformed into this abstract syntax.

A simpler solution is to use one of the quotation kit "q_MLast.cmo". It proposes quotations which represent the abstract syntax (the nodes of the module "MLast") into concrete syntax with antiquotations to bind variables inside. The example above can be written:

  <:expr< if $e1$ then $e2$ else $e3$ >>

This representation is very interesting when one wants to manipulate complicated syntax trees. Here is an example taken from the Camlp5 sources themselves:

    match try Some $f$ with [ Stream.Failure -> None ] with
    [ Some $p$ -> $e$
    | _ -> raise (Stream.Error $e2$) ]

This example was in a position of a pattern. In abstract syntax, it should have been written:

  MLast.ExMat _
    (MLast.ExTry _ (MLast.ExApp _ (MLast.ExUid _ "Some") f)
       [(MLast.PaAcc _ (MLast.PaUid _ "Stream") (MLast.PaUid _ "Failure"),
         None, MLast.ExUid _ "None")])
    [(MLast.PaApp _ (MLast.PaUid _ "Some") p, None, e);
     (MLast.PaAny _, None,
      MLast.ExApp _ (MLast.ExLid _ "raise")
        (MLast.ExApp _
           (MLast.ExAcc _ (MLast.ExUid _ "Stream") (MLast.ExUid _ "Error"))

Which is less readable and much more complicated to build and update.

Instead of thinking of "a syntax tree", the programmer can think of "a piece of program".


In all syntax tree nodes, the first parameter is the source location of the node.

In expressions

When a quotation is in the context of an expression, the location parameter is "loc" in the node and in all its possible sub-nodes. Example: if we consider the quotation:

  <:sig_item< value foo : int -> bool >>

This quotation, in a context of an expression, is equivalent to:

  MLast.SgVal loc "foo"
    (MLast.TyArr loc (MLast.TyLid loc "int") (MLast.TyLid loc "bool"));

The name "loc" is predefined. However, it is possible to change it, using the argument "-loc" of the Camlp5 shell commands.

Consequently, if there is no variable "loc" defined in the context of the quotation, or if it is not of the correct type, a semantic error occur in the OCaml compiler ("Unbound value loc").

Note that in the extensible grammars, the variable "loc" is bound, in all semantic actions, to the location of the rule.

If the created node has no location, the programmer can define a variable named "loc" equal to "Ploc.dummy".

In patterns

When a quotation is in the context of a pattern, the location parameter of all nodes and possible sub-nodes is set to the wildcard ("_"). The same example above:

  <:sig_item< value foo : int -> bool >>

is equivalent, in a pattern, to:

  MLast.SgVal _ "foo"
    (MLast.TyArr _ (MLast.TyLid _ "int") (MLast.TyLid _ "bool"))

However, it is possible to generate a binding of the variable "loc" on the top node by writing a "colon" before the "less" in the quotation. The same example:

  <:sig_item:< value foo : int -> bool >>

is equivalent to:

  MLast.SgVal loc "foo"
    (MLast.TyArr _ (MLast.TyLid _ "int") (MLast.TyLid _ "bool"))


The expressions or patterns between dollar ($) characters are called antiquotations. In opposition to quotations which has its own syntax rules, the antiquotation is an area in the syntax of the enclosing context (expression or pattern). See the chapter about quotations.

If a quotation is in the context of an expression, the antiquotation must be an expression. It can be any expression, including function calls. Examples:

  value f e el = <:expr< [$e$ :: $loop False el$] >>;
  value patt_list p pl = <:patt< ( $list:[p::pl]$) >>;

If a quotation is in the context of an pattern, the antiquotation is a pattern. Any pattern is possible, including the wildcard character ("_"). Examples:

   fun [ <:expr< $lid:op$ $_$ $_$ >> -> op ]
   match p with [ <:patt< $_$ | $_$ >> -> Some p ]

Nodes and Quotations

This section describes all nodes defined in the module "MLast" of Camlp5 and how to write them with quotations. Notice that, inside quotations, one is not restricted to these elementary cases, but any complex value can be used, resulting on possibly complex combined nodes.

Variables names give information of their types:


Expressions of the language.

Node <:expr< ... >> Comment
ExAcc loc e1 e2 $e1$ . $e2$ access
ExAnt loc e $anti:e$ antiquotation (1)
ExApp loc e1 e2 $e1$ $e2$ application
ExAre loc e1 e2 $e1$ .( $e2$ ) array element
ExArr loc le [| $list:le$ |] array
ExAsr loc e assert $e$ assert
ExAss loc e1 e2 $e1$ := $e2$ assignment
ExBae loc e le $e$ .{ $list:le$ } big array element
ExChr loc s $chr:s$ character constant
ExCoe loc e None t2 ($e$ :> $t2$) coercion
ExCoe loc e (Some t1) t2 ($e$ : $t1$ :> $t2$) coercion
ExFlo loc s $flo:s$ float constant
ExFor loc s e1 e2 True le for $lid:s$ = $e1$ to $e2$ do { $list:le$ } for (increasing)
ExFor loc s e1 e2 False le for $lid:s$ = $e1$ downto $e2$ do { $list:le$ } for (decreasing)
ExFor loc s e1 e2 b le for $lid:s$ = $e1$ $to:b$ $e2$ do { $list:le$ } for
ExFun loc lpee fun [ $list:lpee$ ] function (2)
ExIfe loc e1 e2 e3 if $e1$ then $e2$ else $e3$ if
ExInt loc s1 "" $int:s1$ integer constant
ExInt loc s1 "l" $int32:s1$ integer 32 bits
ExInt loc s1 "L" $int64:s1$ integer 64 bits
ExInt loc s1 "n" $nativeint:s1$ native integer
ExLab loc p None ~{$p$} label
ExLab loc p (Some e) ~{$p$ = $e$} label
ExLab loc p oe ~{$p$ $opt:oe$} label
ExLaz loc e lazy $e$ lazy
ExLet loc True lpe e let rec $list:lpe$ in $e$ let rec
ExLet loc False lpe e let $list:lpe$ in $e$ let not rec
ExLet loc b lpe e let $flag:b$ $list:lpe$ in $e$ let
ExLid loc s $lid:s$ lowercase identifier
ExLmd loc s me e let module $uid:s$ = $me$ in $e$ let module
ExMat loc e lpee match $e$ with [ $list:lpee$ ] match (2)
ExNew loc ls new $list:ls$ new
ExObj loc None lcsi object $list:lcsi$ end object expression
ExObj loc (Some p) lcsi object ($p$) $list:lcsi$ end object expression
ExObj loc op lcsi object $opt:op$ $list:lcsi$ end object expression
ExOlb loc p None ?{$p$} option label
ExOlb loc p (Some e) ?{$p$ = $e$} option label
ExOlb loc p oe ?{$p$ $opt:oe$} option label
ExOvr loc lse {< $list:lse$ >} override
ExPck loc me None (module $me$) module packing
ExPck loc me (Some mt) (module $me$ : $mt$) module packing
ExRec loc lpe None {$list:lpe$} record
ExRec loc lpe (Some e) {($e$) with $list:lpe$} record
ExSeq loc le do { $list:le$ } sequence
ExSnd loc e s $e$ # $s$ method call
ExSte loc e1 e2 $e1$ .[ $e2$ ] string element
ExStr loc s $str:s$ string
ExTry loc e lpee try $e$ with [ $list:lpee$ ] try (2)
ExTup loc le ($list:le$) t-uple
ExTyc loc e t ($e$ : $t$) type constraint
ExUid loc s $uid:s$ uppercase identifier
ExVrn loc s ` $s$ variant
ExWhi loc e le while $e$ do { $list:le$ } while

Node used in the quotation expanders to tells at conversion to OCaml compiler syntax tree time, that all locations of the sub-tree is correcty located in the quotation. By default, in quotations, the locations of all generated nodes are the location of the whole quotation. This node allows to make an exception to this rule, since we know that the antiquotation belongs to the universe of the enclosing program. See the chapter about quotations and, in particular, its section about antiquotations.


The variable "lpee" found in "function", "match" and "try" statements correspond to a list of "(patt * option expr * expr)" where the "option expr" is the "when" optionally following the pattern:

  p -> e

is represented by:

  (p, None, e)


  p when e1 -> e

is represented by:

  (p, Some e1, e)


Patterns of the language.

Node <:patt< ... >> Comment
PaAcc loc p1 p2 $p1$ . $p2$ access
PaAli loc p1 p2 ($p1$ as $p2$) alias
PaAnt loc p $anti:p$ antiquotation (1)
PaAny loc _ wildcard
PaApp loc p1 p2 $p1$ $p2$ application
PaArr loc lp [| $list:lp$ |] array
PaChr loc s $chr:s$ character
PaFlo loc s $flo:s$ float
PaInt loc s1 "" $int:s1$ integer constant
PaInt loc s1 "l" $int32:s1$ integer 32 bits
PaInt loc s1 "L" $int64:s1$ integer 64 bits
PaInt loc s1 "n" $nativeint:s1$ native integer
PaLab loc p1 None ~{$p1$} label
PaLab loc p1 (Some p2) ~{$p1$ = $p2$} label
PaLab loc p1 op2 ~{$p1$ $opt:op2$} label
PaLaz loc p lazy $p$ lazy
PaLid loc s $lid:s$ lowercase identifier
PaNty loc s (type $lid:s$) new type
PaOlb loc p None ?{$p$} option label
PaOlb loc p (Some e) ?{$p$ = $e$} option label
PaOlb loc p oe ?{$p$ $opt:oe$} option label
PaOrp loc p1 p2 $p1$ | $p2$ or
PaRec loc lpp { $list:lpp$ } record
PaRng loc p1 p2 $p1$ .. $p2$ range
PaStr loc s $str:s$ string
PaTup loc lp ($list:lp$) t-uple
PaTyc loc p t ($p$ : $t$) type constraint
PaTyp loc ls # $list:ls$ type pattern
PaUid loc s $uid:s$ uppercase identifier
PaUnp loc s None (module $uid:s$) module unpacking
PaUnp loc s (Some mt) (module $uid:s$ : $mt$) module unpacking
PaVrn loc s ` $s$ variant
(1) Node used to specify an antiquotation area, like for the equivalent node in expressions. See above.


Type expressions of the language.

Node <:ctyp< ... >> Comment
TyAcc loc t1 t2 $t1$ . $t2$ access
TyAli loc t1 t2 $t1$ as $t2$ alias
TyAny loc _ wildcard
TyApp loc t1 t2 $t1$ $t2$ application
TyArr loc t1 t2 $t1$ -> $t2$ arrow
TyCls loc ls # $list:ls$ class
TyLab loc s t ~$s$: $t$ label
TyLid loc s $lid:s$ lowercase identifier
TyMan loc t1 True t2 $t1$ == private $t2$ manifest
TyMan loc t1 False t2 $t1$ == $t2$ manifest
TyMan loc t1 b t2 $t1$ == $priv:b$ $t2$ manifest
TyObj loc lst True < $list:lst$ .. > object
TyObj loc lst False < $list:lst$ > object
TyObj loc lst b < $list:lst$ $flag:b$ > object
TyOlb loc s t ?$s$: $t$ option label
TyPck loc mt (module $mt$) package
TyPol loc ls t ! $list:ls$ . $t$ polymorph
TyQuo loc s '$s$ variable
TyRec loc llsbt { $list:llsbt$ } record
TySum loc llslt [ $list:llslt$ ] sum
TyTup loc lt ( $list:lt$ ) t-uple
TyUid loc s $uid:s$ uppercase identifier
TyVrn loc lpv None [ = $list:lpv$ ] variant
TyVrn loc lpv (Some None) [ > $list:lpv$ ] variant
TyVrn loc lpv (Some (Some [])) [ < $list:lpv$ ] variant
TyVrn loc lpv (Some (Some ls)) [ < $list:lpv$ > $list:ls$ ] variant



Structure items, i.e. phrases in a ".ml" file or "struct" elements.

Node <:str_item< ... >> Comment
StCls loc lcice class $list:lcice$ class declaration
StClt loc lcict class type $list:lcict$ class type declaration
StDcl loc lsi declare $list:lsi$ end declare
StDir loc s None # $lid:s$ directive
StDir loc s (Some e) # $lid:s$ $e$ directive
StDir loc s oe # $lid:s$ $opt:oe$ directive
StExc loc s [] [] exception $uid:s$ exception
StExc loc s lt [] exception $uid:s$ of $list:lt$ exception
StExc loc s [] ls exception $uid:s$ = $list:ls$ exception
StExc loc s lt ls exception $uid:s$ of $list:lt$ = $list:ls$ exception
StExp loc e $exp:e$ expression
StExt loc s t ls external $s$ : $t$ = $list:ls$ external
StInc loc me include $me$ include
StMod loc True lsme module rec $list:lsme$ module rec
StMod loc False lsme module $list:lsme$ module non rec
StMod loc b lsme module $flag:b$ $list:lsme$ module
StMty loc s mt module type $s$ = $mt$ module type
StOpn loc ls open $list:ls$ open
StTyp loc ltd type $list:ltd$ type declaration
StUse loc s lsil # $str:s$ $list:lsil$ ... internal use ... (1)
StVal loc True lpe value rec $list:lpe$ value rec
StVal loc False lpe value $list:lpe$ value non rec
StVal loc b lpe value $flag:b$ $list:lpe$ value

Node internally used to specify a different file name applying to the whole subtree. This is generated by the directive "use" and used when converting to the OCaml syntax tree which needs the file name in its location type.


Signature items, i.e. phrases in a ".mli" file or elements inside "sig ... end".

Node <:sig_item< ... >> Comment
SgCls loc lcict class $list:lcict$ class
SgClt loc lcict class type $list:lcict$ class type
SgDcl loc lsi declare $list:lsi$ end declare
SgDir loc s None # $lid:s$ directive
SgDir loc s (Some e) # $lid:s$ $e$ directive
SgDir loc s oe # $lid:s$ $opt:oe$ directive
SgExc loc s [] exception $s$ exception
SgExc loc s lt exception $s$ of $list:lt$ exception
SgExt loc s t ls external $s$ : $t$ = $list:ls$ external
SgInc loc mt include $mt$ include
SgMod loc True lsmt module rec $list:lsmt$ module rec
SgMod loc False lsmt module $list:lsmt$ module non rec
SgMod loc b lsmt module $flag:b$ $list:lsmt$ module
SgMty loc s mt module type $s$ = $mt$ module type
SgOpn loc ls open $list:ls$ open
SgTyp loc ltd type $list:ltd$ type declaration
SgUse loc s lsil # $str:s$ $list:lsil$ ... internal use ... (1)
SgVal loc s t value $s$ : $t$ value

Same remark as for "str_item" above.


Node <:module_expr< ... >> Comment
MeAcc loc me1 me2 $me1$ . $me2$ access
MeApp loc me1 me2 $me1$ $me2$ application
MeFun loc s mt me functor ($s$ : $mt$) -> $me$ functor
MeStr loc lsi struct $list:lsi$ end struct
MeTyc loc me mt ($me$ : $mt$) module type constraint
MeUid loc s $uid:s$ uppercase identifier
MeUnp loc e None (value $e$) module unpacking
MeUnp loc e (Some mt) (value $e$ : $mt$) module unpacking


Node <:module_type< ... >> Comment
MtAcc loc mt1 mt2 $mt1$ . $mt2$ access
MtApp loc mt1 mt2 $mt1$ $mt2$ application
MtFun loc s mt1 mt2 functor ($s$ : $mt1$) -> $mt2$ functor
MtLid loc s $lid:s$ lowercase identifier
MtQuo loc s ' $s$ abstract
MtSig loc lsi sig $list:lsi$ end signature
MtTyo loc me module type of $me$ of module expression
MtUid loc s $uid:s$ uppercase identifier
MtWit loc mt lwc $mt$ with $list:lwc$ with construction



Node <:class_expr< ... >> Comment
CeApp loc ce e $ce$ $e$ application
CeCon loc ls lt [ $list:lt$ ] $list:ls$ constructor
CeFun loc p ce fun $p$ -> $ce$ function
CeLet loc True lpe ce let rec $list:lpe$ in $ce$ let rec
CeLet loc False lpe ce let $list:lpe$ in $ce$ let non rec
CeLet loc b lpe ce let $flag:b$ $list:lpe$ in $ce$ let
CeStr loc None lcsi object $list:lcsi$ end object
CeStr loc (Some p) lcsi object ($p$) $list:lcsi$ end object
CeStr loc op lcsi object $opt:op$ $list:lcsi$ end object
CeTyc loc ce ct ($ce$ : $ct$) class type constraint


Node <:class_type< ... >> Comment
CtAcc loc ct1 ct2 $ct1$ . $ct2$ access
CtApp loc ct1 ct2 $ct1$ $ct2$ application
CtCon loc ct lt $ct$ [ $list:lt$ ] constructor
CtFun loc t ct [ $t$ ] -> $ct$ arrow
CtIde loc s $id:s$ identifier
CtSig loc None lcsi object $list:lcsi$ end object
CtSig loc (Some t) lcsi object ($t$) $list:lcsi$ end object
CtSig loc ot lcsi object $opt:ot$ $list:lcsi$ end object


Node <:class_str_item< ... >> Comment
CrCtr loc t1 t2 type $t1$ = $t2$ type constraint
CrDcl loc lcsi declare $list:lcsi$ end declaration list
CrInh loc ce None inherit $ce$ inheritance
CrInh loc ce (Some s) inherit $ce$ $opt:Some s$ inheritance
CrInh loc ce os inherit $ce$ $opt:os$ inheritance
CrIni loc e initializer $e$ initialization
CrMth loc True True s None e method! private $lid:s$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc True True s (Some t) e method! private $lid:s$ : $t$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc True True s ot e method! private $lid:s$ $opt:ot$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc True False s None e method! $lid:s$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc True False s (Some t) e method! $lid:s$ : $t$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc True False s ot e method! $lid:s$ $opt:ot$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc True b2 s None e method! $priv:b2$ $lid:s$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc True b2 s (Some t) e method! $priv:b2$ $lid:s$ : $t$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc True b2 s ot e method! $priv:b2$ $lid:s$ $opt:ot$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc False True s None e method private $lid:s$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc False True s (Some t) e method private $lid:s$ : $t$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc False True s ot e method private $lid:s$ $opt:ot$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc False False s None e method $lid:s$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc False False s (Some t) e method $lid:s$ : $t$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc False False s ot e method $lid:s$ $opt:ot$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc False b2 s None e method $priv:b2$ $lid:s$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc False b2 s (Some t) e method $priv:b2$ $lid:s$ : $t$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc False b2 s ot e method $priv:b2$ $lid:s$ $opt:ot$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc b1 True s None e method $!:b1$ private $lid:s$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc b1 True s (Some t) e method $!:b1$ private $lid:s$ : $t$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc b1 True s ot e method $!:b1$ private $lid:s$ $opt:ot$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc b1 False s None e method $!:b1$ $lid:s$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc b1 False s (Some t) e method $!:b1$ $lid:s$ : $t$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc b1 False s ot e method $!:b1$ $lid:s$ $opt:ot$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc b1 b2 s None e method $!:b1$ $priv:b2$ $lid:s$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc b1 b2 s (Some t) e method $!:b1$ $priv:b2$ $lid:s$ : $t$ = $e$ method
CrMth loc b1 b2 s ot e method $!:b1$ $priv:b2$ $lid:s$ $opt:ot$ = $e$ method
CrVal loc True True s e value! mutable $lid:s$ = $e$ value
CrVal loc True False s e value! $lid:s$ = $e$ value
CrVal loc True b2 s e value! $flag:b2$ $lid:s$ = $e$ value
CrVal loc False True s e value mutable $lid:s$ = $e$ value
CrVal loc False False s e value $lid:s$ = $e$ value
CrVal loc False b2 s e value $flag:b2$ $lid:s$ = $e$ value
CrVal loc b1 True s e value $!:b1$ mutable $lid:s$ = $e$ value
CrVal loc b1 False s e value $!:b1$ $lid:s$ = $e$ value
CrVal loc b1 b2 s e value $!:b1$ $flag:b2$ $lid:s$ = $e$ value
CrVav loc True s t value virtual mutable $lid:s$ : $t$ virtual value
CrVav loc False s t value virtual $lid:s$ : $t$ virtual value
CrVav loc b s t value virtual $flag:b$ $lid:s$ : $t$ virtual value
CrVir loc True s t method virtual private $lid:s$ : $t$ virtual method
CrVir loc False s t method virtual $lid:s$ : $t$ virtual method
CrVir loc b s t method virtual $flag:b$ $lid:s$ : $t$ virtual method


Node <:class_sig_item< ... >> Comment
CgCtr loc t1 t2 type $t1$ = $t2$ type constraint
CgDcl loc lcsi declare $list:lcsi$ end declare
CgInh loc ct inherit $ct$ inheritance
CgMth loc True s t method private $lid:s$ : $t$ method
CgMth loc False s t method $lid:s$ : $t$ method
CgMth loc b s t method $flag:b$ $lid:s$ : $t$ method
CgVal loc True s t value mutable $lid:s$ : $t$ value
CgVal loc False s t value $lid:s$ : $t$ value
CgVal loc b s t value $flag:b$ $lid:s$ : $t$ value
CgVir loc True s t method virtual private $lid:s$ : $t$ virtual method
CgVir loc False s t method virtual $lid:s$ : $t$ virtual method
CgVir loc b s t method virtual $flag:b$ $lid:s$ : $t$ virtual method



What is after 'type' or 'and' in a type declaration.

Node <:type_decl< ... >>
{tdNam=ls;tdPrm=ltv;tdPrv=True;tdDef=t;tdCon=ltt} $tp:ls$ $list:ltv$ = private $t$ $list:ltt$
{tdNam=ls;tdPrm=ltv;tdPrv=False;tdDef=t;tdCon=ltt} $tp:ls$ $list:ltv$ = $t$ $list:ltt$
{tdNam=ls;tdPrm=ltv;tdPrv=b;tdDef=t;tdCon=ltt} $tp:ls$ $list:ltv$ = $priv:b$ $t$ $list:ltt$


"With" possibly following a module type.

Node <:with_constr< ... >> Comment
WcMod loc ls me module $list:ls$ = $me$ with module
WcMos loc ls me module $list:ls$ := $me$ with module substitution
WcTyp loc ls ltv True t type $list:ls$ $list:ltv$ = private $t$ with type
WcTyp loc ls ltv False t type $list:ls$ $list:ltv$ = $t$ with type
WcTyp loc ls ltv b t type $list:ls$ $list:ltv$ = $flag:b$ $t$ with type
WcTys loc ls ltv t type $list:ls$ $list:ltv$ := $t$ with type substitution


Polymorphic variants.

Node <:poly_variant< ... >> Comment
PvTag loc s True [] `$s$ constructor
PvTag loc s True lt `$s$ of & $list:lt$ constructor
PvTag loc s False lt `$s$ of $list:lt$ constructor
PvTag loc s b lt `$s$ of $flag:b$ $list:lt$ constructor
PvInh loc t $t$ type

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